If you have never met Calleigh, I'll try my best to describe her for you. She enjoys every aspect of life. Her wide smile shows her elation over the simplest things. She's smart as a whip and is eager to learn new things. She loves wholeheartedly her family, friends, and pets. She is gentle and kind. She simply sparkles and when you've met her you don't forget her.
Calleigh loves princesses. She tells me she'll be one when she grows up, but she already is. Sure she's got the dresses and crowns but it's what's inside that makes her shine and all those around her wonder what makes her so special.
Calleigh was born February 27, 2010 and when I held her and our eyes met, I knew she was who I'd been waiting for. She brings me joy everyday and she makes me proud everyday. She is my gift from God and I'm grateful everyday that he chose to share her with me.
Brianna, I know so much about your sweet family. My names is Megie Wall and I am Justin Horton's mom. Judy and I are FB friends and I love seeing all of the pictures of Calleigh that she posts. I'm a proud "Mia" and I didn't know that Calleigh and Phoenix share the same birthday. Please know that I have shared your requests with my prayer warriors and all of your are covered.