Saturday, August 1, 2015

Moving Forward

We waited 21 days for answers.  That was the longest most painful days of my life.  Thankfully, Calleigh's surgery was remarkably easy for her and she is recovering well.  Most gratefully, we found that the spot was normal ventricular cells and not tumor; therefore, we can continue her original treatment plan.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful medical professionals.  I was very angry that they recommended surgery, but we had to know and they care so much about her and only want to see her well.  Friday after her oncologist and I talked she texted me a picture of her fortune that said "Good news will come your way today" and that she had already received her good news that day.  We can breathe again.  We can focus on starting kindergarten and buying our new house.  It hit us really hard this time.
Our prayers were answered this time, but as our paster pointed out God does not always answer our prayers the way we want.  We have had those times too: initial diagnosis, surgical side effects, etc.  But even though we did not get the answers we wanted, He covered us and carried us through.  I asked why a lot during the last 21 days.  I was also angry, jealous, heartbroken, etc.  We are normal parents who only want our baby to be well.  I do not want anyone to get the impression that we glide through this without questioning.  Those who know Lance and I well know that about us.  What we have done is rely on each other and our faith.  We believe that all of this has a purpose in God's plan.  We go in Monday for Round 8 of chemo.  She will only have 1 more round after that!  Let me offer another word of caution.  Just because she receives her last chemo does not mean that this is over for us.  As Lance says, we will deal with this for the rest of our lives.  So many cancer patients have lasting side effects and post treatment issues that require many more appointments, meds, procedures, and more.  Please never assume that this is the end.
Prayer requests moving forward:

  • Round 8
  • Future MRIs
  • First Day of Kindergarten!!!  Pray for her teachers and for her to be comfortable and make friends.  I don't want her to be seen as the "cancer kid."  A lot of parents in groups I belong to call their child their "ck."  It drives me nuts!!  Yes, she was sick, but that is only one aspect of her.  She is just a "child."  That's my special ed background coming out.  I just want her to feel like one of the kids.  She recently told us she felt all grown up.  I hope she regains some of her childhood this year.  
  • Moving into our new house
  • Counts to stay up to stay well during this treatment and miss no more school than necessary.  
Thank you for praying us through this!