Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Round 2

Calleigh did absolutely amazing with her first round of chemo.  Although her counts did drop, she did not get sick and we were able to do as we pretty much wanted.  An additional praise report is that her hearing remains normal.  There is no damage from the chemo showing at this point.  She's enjoyed lots of outings with Mrs. Denise (who we are so grateful for), lunch with Daddy, shopping, going to a race and Halloween...just like any other four year old.  She's been working hard on her school work and is now reading and can write her last name.  We're working on writing numbers 1-10 and she loves patterns.  She is excited for Thanksgiving and to eat Turkey.
Glinda the Good Witch

 Cleaning Don's Car

Field Trip to New Prospect Fire Department

I wanted to update because next week is round 2 and I have some specific prayer requests.
1.  Calleigh's MRI is Friday.  Please pray for a clear or unchanged scan.  We now fully understand the term scanxiety.  We are praying for peace and calm for ourselves and for her.  We did not tell her anything about the last scan.
2.  Calleigh will be admitted Tuesday for chemo and stay at least one night.  Please pray for a good experience again with minimal side effects.
3.  Please pray for her as the winter months/flu season sets in.  If you've been sick or anyone in your family has been, please try to steer clear of all of us.  You will not hurt our feelings!!  We want her as healthy as possible.
We have also started a new type of therapy to hopefully help regain control of the facial muscles.  This is not only to help her make expressions, but also to not make eating so tiring.  Again the condition that causes all of this is posterior fossa syndrome.  If you are interested, here is a link for more info:  Posterior Fossa Syndrome
This graphic explains the areas that can be impacted.  Luckily, we do not suffer from all of this as it can be a very debilitating condition.  

In light of this explanation, one more request.  It hurts my heart to talk about this.  When people tell me how sad it makes them to see her not able to smile, I may not show it, but it breaks my heart.  Those are the times I want to just cry.  Calleigh is not defined by her smile and if you think she is, I'm sorry that you don't know her.  Yes, it is an outward expression of her personality, but it is not what makes Calleigh special.  It does not show her determination, tenacity, strength, resilience, joy for life, intelligence, warmth, kindness, and sass.  Calleigh is not gone and sometimes the questions make us feel like some people think she is.  I've even debated whether or not to stop posting pictures of her altogether and asking others to do the same, but I'm not ashamed of who she is.  She inspires me more than anyone on earth.  We celebrate everyday that she is here.  As parents there are so many aspects of this that are so horrifying and heartbreaking.  I wish you never know this pain.  BUT we are trying to carry on normally.  Cancer does not define our lives right now.  It's raising a four year old and finding God's purpose for us.  Will her smile return many of you have asked?  I don't know and that's all I can say.  We're done talking about it for right now as we want to focus on the positive and not the bad.  It's too painful.  Thank you for always being so respectful and caring of our feelings and Calleigh's.  For those of you who don't know her very well, this is Calleigh .

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. I so get scanxiety, I wish I could tell that will go away soon. It rears it ugly head you deal with it then give to God and move forward till next time. It is part of living post cancer. My wife is a two time cancer survivor. God is good.
    Love that picture!
